Cost: Wedding ceremony (including time to have your photographs taken and rehearsal time): $350
plus GST. A $50 surcharge is applied for weddings that are after 6:00 p.m.
Wedding photos (only): $100 plus GST
Parking: free: Small Lot outside of Leo Mol, additional parking in zoo lot

I think the Leo Mol Sculpture Gardens are beautiful! From lily pads to lush greenery- ponds to fountains- this place is remarkable! Even if you never take a wedding photo there, if I can be as bold to recommend that you take an afternoon to walk around the Leo Mol and English Gardens- you wouldn't be disappointed!
One of the only drawbacks I find to this location (besides rain that could damper you shoot) is high sun...but rest assured there always seems to be somewhere to find shade that will allow you to catch some nice head shots.
Although, a large section is closed to the public for wedding ceremonies, this garden is also open to the public, so expect foot traffic during your photo shoot. I have found however that most people are considerate and typically try to give you space for your photo shoot.
Contact: Jo-anne Arnott of Partners in the Park at (204) 953-4518.
Photography Contributions: