Lists of Winnipeg Photo Locations, listings for indoor Winnipeg Photo Locations and descriptions/pricing for each of them! Pretty decor to photograph, details and all wedding things :)
If you have landed here you are probably planning a wedding, looking for places to take great wedding photos or planning a rain (or even snow) plan for photos on your big day! :) This blog will be in a CONSTANT STATE OF CONSTRUCTION. If there is a location that you don't see here or information that might not be correct feel free to send me an email- ckosky at shaw dot ca
If you have landed here you are probably planning a wedding, looking for places to take great wedding photos or planning a rain (or even snow) plan for photos on your big day! :) This blog will be in a CONSTANT STATE OF CONSTRUCTION. If there is a location that you don't see here or information that might not be correct feel free to send me an email- ckosky at shaw dot ca
Thank you so much to all photography contributions- I honestly couldn't post half of the stuff without them! If you are a photographer and would be generous enough to donate photos or details of a location it would be greatly appreciated- please contact me!